Sunday, September 18, 2016

Unit 0: Definitions

Key Words and Definitions:

1. Absolute monarchy was (or is? Current absolute monarchies) a form of government in which the monarch holds unlimited power, and this power was believed to come from God.

2. Craftsmanship is the technique of making objects and products by hand, using simple tools and methods.

3. Bourgeoisie were the urban population with economic power and social influence because they controlled banking and trade on a large scale, and earned big profits from these activities.

4. Humanism was an intellectual movement that admired the Classical Age, considered human beings to be the center of the philosophical reflection and artistic creation, used reason to explain reality, and used vernacular languages to write.

5. Politics is how to govern a society.

6. Economy is the administration of resources in order to satisfy the needs of individuals and societies.

7. Society is a community of people living in a particular place and having shared customs, laws, religion and political organization.

8. Culture is the customs, knowledge and level of artistic, scientific and technical development of a society.

9. Thirty Years’ War was a European war from 1618 to 1648, after which the Habsburg dynasty lost its dominance in Europe

10. Parliamentary monarchy is a form of government in which all or some of the monarch´s decisions must be approved by parliament.

11. Bill of Rights is a declaration that obliged the monarch to govern in accordance with the law and Parliament.

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